Addressing Weaknesses in Hot Mix Asphalt and Keeping Our Roads Strong

Hot Mix Asphalt

Addressing Weaknesses in Hot Mix Asphalt and Keeping Our Roads Strong

Hot mix asphalt (HMA) reigns supreme in road construction for its versatility, affordability, and smooth ride. However, it’s not without its flaws. This blog post will delve into these drawbacks and explore a promising solution from Zydex.

The Achilles’ Heel of HMA

While HMA boasts numerous advantages, achieving consistent density after compaction and ensuring long-lasting water resistance can be tricky. The culprit? The bond between bitumen (asphalt binder) and the aggregate (stones), especially the finer particles and dust. Under wet conditions, high-speed traffic can cause water to scour away this crucial binding material, a phenomenon known as ravelling. This dislodges small and large stones, compromising the road’s integrity.

Cracking Under Pressure

Another weak spot is cracking due to fatigue and oxidation. Sun exposure and constant traffic flexing take their toll, leading to cracks over time. Sudden temperature swings can further exacerbate this distress, ultimately causing pavement failure.

ZycoTherm: A Revolutionary Approach

Zydex steps in with its innovative ZycoTherm technology, a reactive bonding solution for the aggregate surface. Imagine transforming the surface of these aggregates from “orange” (hydrophilic with silanol groups) to “apple” (hydrophobic with protective oily chains). This transformation happens during the hot mixing and paving process, creating a more robust and water-resistant bond.

The Importance of Complete Coverage

Efficiently coating the fine particles within the HMA mix with bitumen is paramount during those critical 40 to 60 seconds of intense mixing. Incomplete coverage creates microscopic pathways for water to infiltrate the aggregates. These wet-dry cycles, over time, can strip away the bitumen film, significantly weakening the bond between the aggregate and fines within the asphalt mix.

Conquering Segregation: The Enemy of Uniformity

Segregation, the uneven distribution of large and fine aggregates within the HMA mix, is another hurdle the industry faces. A uniform void distribution in the compacted pavement is crucial to achieve optimal performance.

ZycoTherm Range: A Winning Formula

Innovation of ZycoTherm range tackles these problematic areas head-on. Users have reported excellent results on the field, appreciating the technology’s positive impact on performance without breaking the bank. The cost, when viewed through the lens of the value it delivers, makes ZycoTherm a compelling solution for those seeking long-lasting, high-performing roads.

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