Cold Joint adhesives for Concrete bonding


A monolithic structure is very strong in nature and have very few vulnerable points because of no joints. This is not possible in big structures as it cannot be carved out of one structure but has to be made in sections, resulting in a polylithic structure. This leads to multiple joints and resulting in multiple failure or vulnerable points.


These structure are generally vulnerable to failure/fracture/cracking at the joints between the new and the old surface/structure. These joints are called Cold Joints. Because of these joints, the new and old surface do not act as one and the load or any impact is not evenly shared and making them as the vulnerable points for failure/fracture/cracking.

The same phenomenon is observed during laying of a new PCC/RCC structure and also other surface preparation in sections. During extension of buildings or section-wise structure creation, the PCC/RCC structures are generally left with these cold joints with are the main cause of structural damage and failures.

Solution Zydex provides

Zydex provides a set of solutions which can be applied on the surface easily for achieving the monolithic strength and properties. Cold Bond, is a Zydex solution that can be applied on the old surface (with just a use of brush and do not require any other equipment) and then the new construction can be carried out. These application also do not require skilled labour and can be done very quickly. This solution will create a bond between the two surfaces that allows them to reach monolithic strength making it an easy to use and economical solution for contractors.

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