Need for chemical soil stabilisation

Chemical Soil Stabilisation is the process of blending and mixing chemical additives to improve the engineering properties of the soil. The efficiency of the stabilisation depends on the reaction between the chemical/stabilizer used and the soil particle composition.

Soil stabilisation using chemical additives is adopted not only to arrest its shrinkage & swelling potential, but also to improve its strength, workability & durability, thus improving their overall performance. The increased performance implies reduced the maintenance costs, significantly improving the overall lifecycle costs of the pavement. It also offers other advantages such as reduced dusting requirements, controlled volume changes to soil and better workability.

The performance of the treated soil depends on the ability of the additives to react with the soil, which places a great emphasis on choosing the stabilizer best suited for a particular type of soil, taking into consideration, not only the improvement of its engineering properties but also considering its economic and environmental impact.

It has been a common practice to use calcium based stabilizers such as cement and lime for stabilisation, due to its notable effect of reduction in plasticity, swelling & shrinkage as well as the increased bearing strength. However, there are certain limitations to using these additives. Stabilisation of soils containing sulphate minerals when treated with lime, causes adverse chemical reactions & formation of an expansive crystalline mineral, causing heaving and other pavement distresses. Exposure of lime treated soils to wetting and drying cycles results in the loss of cohesion between soil and lime particles. Lime & cement applied in the powder form is known to burn unprotected workmen and also causes harmful environmental effects. Moreover, cement manufacturing emits large amounts of CO 2 . Fibers have been considered an effective alternative to help prevent cracks; however, its effectiveness in restricted to certain type of soils.

The use of bitumen emulsion for soil stabilisation is also a notable practice as it imparts water resistance to the soil particles, increases the load bearing capacity & stability of the soil. However, it may not be a cost effective solution as the soil particles require a high dosage of bitumen emulsion in order to provide the same/better level of bonding. Foamed bitumen, i.e. mixture of air, water and bitumen, is also being used for soil stabilisation. It has been proven that by applying foamed bitumen, produces a semi-rigid layer of stabilised soil.

New and emerging technologies such as enzymes and silanes are being preferred over traditional stabilisation methods, to solve the problems of swelling and shrinkage as well as to improve the load bearing capacity and compaction densities of poor soils, with no harmful effects on the environment. Major advantage of using chemical additives for soil stabilisation is that it enables the use of in- situ/locally available soils and aggregates. This decreases the effort and time required for hauling good quality materials from borrow areas, allowing for an efficient use of natural resources. This results in minimized cost of hauling, thereby reducing the cost of construction.

Need for waterproofing of your Terrace/Roof

Need for waterproofing of your Terrace/Roof

Water accumulated on the walls and terraces of your spaces sooner or later starts seeping inside. One of the prime reasons of this seepage and moisture is rain water. This entire cycle of water falling and entering can be put an end to via a process called waterproofing.

Waterproofing is a method that prevents water from penetrating your house, building, or any surface. Water majorly penetrates from Surfaces of foundations, roofs, walls, Bathrooms, the kitchen of the building which will result in the majority of the problems leading to structural damage and failure.

Significance of Waterproofing

Nowadays, Waterproofing in New Construction Buildings is a Major Requirement. With proper waterproofing treatment, the building surfaces are made water-resistant and waterproof for many years. It can be done during or after construction, to protect the structure from water damage caused by rain, moisture, and leakage.

The process should be able to resist leakage during heavy rainfall. The efficient waterproofing of terraces can be achieved by adopting proper construction practices. No rainwater must stagnate on the roof. The main use of waterproofing of the terrace or roof is to resist hydrostatic pressure exerted by moisture in liquid form/state. These issues could be tackled easily by using the applications of waterproofing membranes. These membranes can be either made of plastic, rubber, coated fabric materials, or asphalt sheets. These are used to prevent the entering of water into the foundation, roof, walls, basements, buildings, and other structures. Any failure in the application of the membrane can lead to the failure of the whole treated area. Even most of the time, after taking care of all these things, membranes tend to crack or have a tendency of getting rigid and brittle within 1-2 years because of the continuous or heavy load on the surface.

Waterproofing with Zydex- A solution for better

To overcome this major problem, waterproofing with the membrane is being done with in the form of waterproofing chemicals. Zydex offers comprehensive system solutions for Waterproofing a new home or repairing an existing one. Our products are used for all critical surface areas like Roof, External Walls, Basement, Internal Walls, Bathrooms, and Water Tanks. The solution is in the form of a waterproofing chemical but on application forms an elastomeric membrane, Elastobar, which can expand up to 250%. This elastomeric waterproofing membrane creates a homogeneous membrane layer on the surface which prevents any cracks or pores formation due to joints. This waterproofing membrane is water-resistant, UV stable, highly stretchable, and has high bonding strength hence when exposed to weather and continuous load, and it does not brittle and breaks. The application of Elastobar is also very easy and user friendly. To apply Zydex elastomeric solution no extra source of heat is required and can be done at any location. Also, the applications do not require skilled labour and can be done very quickly.

Hence, using Elastobar will provide continuous protection especially to heavy loaded and exposed areas like
terrace or roof.

Soil Amendments

Soil health is fundamental to natural and agricultural ecosystems. Soils not only impact the agricultural productivity, but also play an important role in the management of global climate through emissions of greenhouse gases and regulation of air and water quality. Soil interacts closely with air, water and crops and reduces the variabilities in the environment. Soil also mediates ecological processes that govern the quality of water and air.

However, these functions are impaired by loss of soil productivity resulting from soil degradation that is caused by excess use of chemical inputs, reduction in organic carbon and dropping water table levels.

Such gradual destruction of natural soil ecosystems has raised serious questions on the ability of contemporary agricultural practices to sustain yields as well as the quality of soil, water and air.

Chemical fertilizers only add nutrients; most of which become plant unavailable. On the other hand, soil amendments enhance soil quality and activity by making nutrients available naturally through an active soil biology whilst improving soil structure and thereby its water holding and drainage capacity.


Zydex has developed a next generation soil conditioner based biofertilizer that improves the physical and biological properties of the soil to maximize crop productivity. The water soluble, soil amending technology, improves soil porosity and water holding capacity, thereby promoting the proliferation of natural biodiversity in the soil. The unique soil amending biofertilizer boosts nutrient uptake and crop growth, resulting in a robust soil ecology, improved crop output and reduced chemical input. Improved soil porosity helps in the formation of a larger root zone, which is further extended by the mycorrhiza hyphae network. This ensures high water and nutrient uptake capacity of the plant. Farmers can now reduce water consumption by 20-40% and chemical nutrient usage up to 50%.


  • Soft & porous soils ensure higher germination and plant survival. Generally, 15-20% higher plant population per acre, automatically leads to a 15-20% yield increase, proportionally. A larger root zone with an extended mycorrhiza hyphae network ensures each plant has a thicker stem, denser canopy and increased flowering & fruiting by 10 to 20%. Both these parameters combined can result in a yield increase of up to 25-40%.
  • Zytonic-M soil amendment biofertilizer ensures a large & biologically active root zone thereby improving the crop’s resistance to pest and fungal attack, leading to a reduction in the number of pesticide spray cycles.
  • The Zytonic-M treated plants have darker green foliage for enhanced photosynthetic activity to produce higher sugar and carbohydrate content. The excess liquid carbon is pushed out as root exudates to feed the enhanced soil biology. This also further improves the organic content, and soil health.
  • Zytonic-M soil amendment biofertilizer ensures porous soils to hold moisture in drought like conditions but at the same time allows excess rains to percolate easily without flooding. This ensures crop survival and growth under adverse weather conditions. This also ensures rainwater harvesting.
  • A large and active root zone and optimum water uptake ensures higher nutrient density in the produce. Thus flavor, taste and shelf life of the agricultural produce is substantially improved, giving farmers a higher price realization.

The water soluble Zytonic Technology introduced by Zydex ensures sustainability in farming by reducing water usage, increased water percolation and reduction in chemical inputs which leads to nutritious, safe and plenty food for all.

Are there cheaper sustainable technologies other than digital printing?

Digital fabric printing is a way of printing digital files directly onto fabric using ink jet based printers. It is a process which involves printing of an image, pattern or design directly from the computer onto a pre-treated fabric by an ink-jet printer. The ink-jet printer uses a printable graphical data file and reads the right color information by using a RGB system and then prints the desired color onto the fabric through myriad droplets of ink.

Digital printing brings advantages like lower sampling cost and time, higher resolution and lower wastages and pollution.

However it has some limitations too. The biggest ones are very high fixed, running and maintenance costs leading to high printing cost per meter of fabric. Other limitations include: fixed color gamut, lower depth and brilliancy.

This brings us to a question if is there is any alternative available which can give benefits of both digital and reactive printing?

Epricon is an eco-friendly super soft pigment printing package developed by Zydex for reactive replacement. Epricon allows customers to achieve reactive-like feel, fastness and depth along with excellent brightness. Our simple process eliminates washing and steaming processes and effluent treatment hassles associated with reactive printing. This not only saves overall cost but also results in higher production. Epricon package allows printing at finer meshes which can help achieve digital look prints with deeper shades and brighter colors at much lower costs.

This will offer advantages such as low fabric per meter cost as compared to digital, high production compared to digital and reactive printing, lower wastages and pollution, high brilliancy compared to digital and reactive printing, broader color options and easy color shade matching.


Role of soil stabilization in perpetual pavement

Perpetual Pavements are pavements designed and constructed to last > 50 years, with maintenance restricted to the wearing course alone. In order for the pavement to perform through its design life, it is imperative to provide a strong, flexible bottom layer that resists cracking under heavy traffic loads and cyclic weather variations.

Soil bases are critical layers for any pavement, as it transfers the vehicular load to the ground level, allowing smoother rides. They form the foundation for the long term performance of the pavement. However, factors such as unavailability of good materials, variability in the available soils and greater affinity to water challenge the conventional construction methods as they lead to failures causing undulations and cracks. This presents a compelling case to find solutions that can improve the engineering properties of the in-situ soil. Various methods such as the use of geogrids and geotextiles, grouting, increasing the thickness of the subgrade etc. have been adopted over the years, to construct a strong base. One such method is soil stabilisation.

Soil stabilisation is the process of blending and mixing different materials, to improve the engineering properties of the soil. It not only helps to increase the strength of the soil, but also allows to arrest its swelling potential, allowing for better stress transfer thus preventing premature failures. Stabilizers such as cement, lime and bitumen emulsions have been used traditionally for soil stabilisation. However, each method comes with its own disadvantages, be it the environmental or health hazards, or cost effectiveness. Also, with depleting resources, the focus on sustainable construction practices has been ever increasing. New and improved methods are being preferred as they are cost-effective and allows construction of high performance, durable roads with reduced material consumption. This has paved the way for new and emerging chemical technologies that allows to improve the properties of the soil without any harmful effects, along with a keen eye on easy-to-use solutions that have proven its efficacy on field on field and widely accepted.

Zydex offers Terrasil (organosilane) and Zycobond (acrylic co-polymer), which are easy to apply additives for soil stabilisation, that significantly reduces water permeability, imparts higher strength and enhanced flexibility through nano-bonding. These properties make the soil bases non-deforming and dimensionally stable. As this change in the engineering property is permanent in nature, it enables the construction of all-weather water resistant, durable roads. This significantly improved strength and higher modulus with flexibility of soil bases can be utilized for reducing the overall thickness of the pavement, thus delivering a sustainable and perpetual road at the same cost.

What are the issues of sustainability for textile printing?

Chemical usage

The textile industry utilizes high amount of synthetic chemicals from fibre pre-treatment to fabric finishing making it the highest contributing sector in chemical pollution. The textile manufacturing typically uses around 2000 chemicals including dyes and other agents. Overall 25% of all types of chemical manufactured are used in textiles.

Water usage

In textile industry water is required in for every processing phase right from the fabric pre-treatment to finishing. Aside from these processes, there is an additional water utilization in cooling machines, boilers, steaming and cleaning. The average water usage of a medium sized textile manufacturing plant delivering around 8,000 kg fabric per day is roughly 1.6 million litres.

Energy consumption

A large amount of energy is required in a textile factory for machine operations, plant lightning and conditioning etc. It is evaluated that the annual fabric creation in 2008 was 60 billion kilograms which consumed 1.074 billion kWh of power and 6-9 trillion litres of water. It has been accounted that for manufacturing and consumer use, the total thermal and electric energy required are 18.8-23 MJ and 0.45-0.55 kWh per meter of fabric respectively.

Waste Production

The textile industry produces wastes in all three forms: gaseous, liquid and solids. Gaseous wastes come from volatilisation of spin finish agents in heat seating, exhaust gases from singeing, VOCs from desizing, dyeing and printing. Waste water includes metals, salt, surfactants, organic processing assistants, cationic materials, color, BOD, COD, sulphide, acidity/alkalinity, spent solvents from dyeing and suspended solids, urea, solvents, color, metals, heat, BOD, foam fomr printing. And solid waste includes packaging wastes, sized yarn, fiber waste, cleaning and processing waste etc from spinning, weaving, knitting and packaging.

Air Pollution

The secondary important pollutant in the textile industry after waste disposal is the emission of gases. The air emissions include dust and lint, oil fumes, acid vapor, solvent mists, odor and boiler exhausts. Emissions mainly come from boiler, high temperature ovens, preparation, carding, combing, fabric manufacturing, sizing compound, chlorine compound, disperse dyeing using carriers, sulphur dyeing aniline dyeing, resin finishing, heat setting of synthetic fabrics, storage tanks for commodity and chemicals and from treatment tanks and vessels.


The textile industry is concerned about the environmental and health impact arising from its manufacturing processes. For a healthier and more sustainable future, these challenges must be tackled using innovative, water-based chemistries that are not only environmentally friendly but durable and minimize the usage of scarce natural resources.

Water Recharge The Zytonic Way

The water levels in most of the fields have gone down substantially in the last 30-50 years. Every year, receiving 101.6 cms of rain means getting 0.45 centimeter of water per acre in our fields. Typically, due to soil hardness and compaction by the time the third rain comes the water along with soil organic carbon and nutrients like NPK starts flowing out of our fields to surrounding lakes and rivers. On an average, around 0.15 centimeter of water, i.e. one third part of the 0.45 centimeter water evaporates in a year.

Zytonic M when applied in full dose makes the soil soft and porous and keeps it that way throughout the season. The use of Zytonic M ensures that no matter whatever kind of rainfall is received, whether heavy or light, every drop of rain gets absorbed in the fields due to improved infiltration capacity.

One flood irrigation cycle requires approximately 100,00 litres of water per acre. Zytonic M has a very unique water holding capacity. With full dose of Zytonic M the irrigation cycle can be extended from 15 days to 25 days. Hence a farmer would not need more than maximum
10-12 cycles throughout the year.

So in conclusion, a full does of Zytonic M ensures soft and porous soil structure, high infiltration capacity and 0.18-0.2 centimeter water recharge every year, for sustainable agriculture.

Perpetual Pavements

Perpetual Pavements are pavements designed and constructed to last > 50 years, with maintenance restricted to the wearing course alone. Perpetual pavements have high structural strength and offer long term resistance to two most devastating distresses i.e. structural rutting and fatigue cracking, keeping the compressive and tensile strains below the failure limits.

Traditionally, highways are designed for a 20 year design life, whereas perpetual pavements are expected to perform for 50 years or more. These pavements are designed with a strong, flexible bottom layer that resists cracking under heavy traffic loads and cyclic weather variations. Several practices such as soil stabilisation using materials like cement, lime, bitumen emulsion and installation of geogrids & geotextiles are adopted to ensure a strong and dimensionally stable base. These practices help improve the engineering properties of the bottom layers. New and emerging technologies such as organosilanes & polymers, offers further improvement in terms of moisture resistance, higher strength and flexible nano bonding. This increases the durability (lifespan) of the pavement layers significantly. Use of emulsion additives also help in effective bonding of the different layers for uniform load/stress transfer.

The bituminous layers of the pavements offer flexibility and resistance to deformations. However, factors such as material variability and operational inefficiencies causes serious problems which lead to premature failures. For example, improper coating of the bitumen on aggregate surface results in water ingress and delamination of the layers, thereby reducing its ability to withstand heavy loads. Therefore, bitumen additives are used at times, to improve the properties of the bituminous mixes. Bitumen additives such as anti stripping agents improve the cohesion between aggregate & bitumen and ensures a tightly bonded structure, thereby facilitating better stress transfer under heavy loads. This eventually translates to longer pavement life. Innovative practices such as the use of Warm Mix Asphalt provides additional environmental benefits by facilitating reduced odor & emissions, lesser fuel consumption and paving friendliness.

The benefit of restricting distress formation to the top layer, is to ensure that when distresses exceed tolerance limits, the distressed top layer can be removed and resurfaced with an asphalt overlay. Cost effective solutions such as microsurfacing or slurry seal can be adopted to ensure a smooth ride quality, thereby reducing the maintenance costs and time.

Perpetual pavements, therefore, offer a durable, long-lasting road, with cost-effective maintenance that restricts traffic disruption thereby saving time for road users and the maintenance crew. Reduced maintenance also conserve the use of the scarce natural resources such as aggregates and bitumen, to provide significant environmental benefits as well as cost savings.

The future lies in high-strength pavements that are faster to construct using limited natural resources, and when constructed for perpetuity, will never need to be reconstructed.

ZYTONIC M for rubust yields and profitable farming

Our planet today is facing multiple challenges with soil fertility, dropping water table, reduction in organic carbon and excess use of chemical inputs leading to agri related pollution issues.

To address these issues, Zydex has developed the Zytonic Soil amendment technology inoculated with mycorrhiza. It addresses all the aspects physical, biological and chemical properties of farm soils.

Physical: Zytonic-M is a biodegradable biology boosting technology. It makes soils soft and reduces crusting, thereby improving germination. Zytonic also makes soil porous and enhances soil water holding capacity and aeration leading to a larger and denser root zone to improve plant survival rates even under adverse conditions.

Biological: Porous soils improve gas exchange, which helps in boosting the population and activity of beneficial bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. The mycorrhiza inoculum in Zytonic-M helps to further extend the root zone and enhances nutrient and water absorption. This leads to 20-40% water savings and 25-50% chemical fertilizer savings from the first application itself.

A large root zone and active biology further improves plant resistance to pest and fungal attack leading to healthy, disease resilient crops.

Chemical: Zytonic-M improves the soil Cation & Anion exchange capacity thereby improving crop nutrient uptake efficiency. This results in darker green foliage indicating higher chlorophyll content and enhanced rate of photosynthesis with adequate sugar and carbohydrate production. The excess liquid carbon feeds the enhanced soil biology and improves the soil organic content.

Zytonic-M when applied through irrigation shows an impact within 4-6 days in the form of improved greenery and vigour just like chemical fertilizers.

Zytonic-M treated fields have consistently produced 15-50% higher yields with improved quality of farm produce. Chemical fertilizer savings of up to 50% and water savings of 20-40% are added benefits.

Zytonic-M ensures porous soils to hold moisture in drought like conditions but at the same time allows excess rains to percolate easily without flooding. This improves crop survival and growth under adverse weather conditions. This also ensures rainwater harvesting.

We at Zydex believe that this technology has the potential to change the way agriculture is done on a global scale. As an organization our vision with this technology is to empower farmers and enable profitable & sustainable farming for nutritious, safe and affordable food for all.

How to use Zytonic-M:

Dissolve Zytonic-M powder in water, in the proportion of 1 is to 100 and apply through Irrigation.
Broadcast Zytonic-M powder prior to Irrigation/Rainfall. In case of basal application prior to sowing, broadcast ZM powder in the open field and rotovate to mix it in the top 6-9 inches of soil.

Enduring structures with nanotechnology based waterproofing solutions

The construction industry, along with other industries is responsible for generating enormous quantities of waste, in various forms. The huge amount of accumulated waste not only poses a threat to the atmosphere as most of it is difficult to recycle, but also consumes huge space for stocking. This along with the unrestrained and haphazard exploitation of mineral resources like stone, clay, lime, coal, sand that are used by the construction industry in large amounts, has led to a major impact on environment and climate change along with depletion of natural resources.

These factors have made it pertinent for the Construction and Infrastructure Industry to find ways and techniques to mitigate these perils by effecting innovative solutions and design structures that are not only captivating but ultra-durable. Easy on the environment to produce but durable enough not to become a victim to nature’ forces.

However, its easy said than done, as harsh weathering influences and water infiltration remain the major deterrents to enduring structures. Prolonged exposure to water causes accelerated ageing and damage to civil structures. Water infiltration causes both aesthetic and structural damage. Conventional waterproofing chemicals and waterproofing membranes form a barrier over these civil structures to prevent water ingress. However, they are incapable of penetrating the micro cracks and pore channels. With time, most of these waterproofing chemical products generally peel-off and crack on account of thermal and UV degradation, resulting in complete waterproofing failure as physical adhesion has its limitations.

The ineffectiveness of conventional waterproofing membranes on account of its impenetrable structure gave rise to the innovation of a new generation penetrative organosilane technology.

Understanding Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology, one of the most breakthrough innovations in the recent years, still remains an elusive subject since the common man is not exposed to the technology.
In the metric system of measurement, “Nano” equals a billionth and therefore a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. Just to appreciate the size, a human hair is over 1,00,000 nanometers long; therefore, it is virtually outside the nanoscale range!

Nanotechnology based waterproofing

For the first time, a nanotechnology based waterproofing agent, has been developed.

This advance penetrative nanotechnology changes the basic nature of the structure from hydrophilic to hydrophobic making the water absorbing structure substrate, water resistant. This prevents water ingress in the structure and checks ageing of the structure.

The result is, significant life extension of the structures and optimized resource preservation.
The salient features of this new technology are:

  • Long Useful Service Life (UV stability upto 20 years)
  • Water Soluble – 20 times its volume (cutting transportation cost)
  • Easy to Apply (colloquially speaking, is Idiot-proofed, eliminating misapplication)
  • Eco-friendly (meets the toughest Californian VOC norms)
  • Affordable (can be even considered for Low-cost mass housing)